Connecting Trade Control nodes


The following tutorial explains how to organise production, commerce and financial exchange across supply-chains.

It assumes you are familiar with the system or have completed the Modelling Bills of Materials tutorial. If you are using bitcoin, the procedure is the same as that for fiat currencies, except for the payment.

network installation

Activity Mirroring

  1. With the three instances of the Network Interface connected to the RPC Server, start each Watch Service in Passive Mode and view the Transactions page:

Watch Service

  1. Connect to tcTHEBUS in the Node Installer and run the manufacturing data creation script with the Create Orders option on.

Tutorial Data


For simplicity, the tutorial will give us only a single product to play with. To fully understand allocations and object mirroring you would need more than one product. The Power BI repository contains a T-SQL script that will create several additional products (albeit the same product in different colours) and a corresponding order book. This makes supply-chain operation more involved, but it generates a more realistic set of allocations against the supplier and customer. To install this dataset, download the network_data_extension.sql script and from SSMS run it against the tcTHEBUS database.

  1. Switch immediately back to the three Network Interfaces. You should see transactions being written to The Business service as it deploys task contracts to the blockchain, with corresponding events emitted to the other two accounts. The Ganache accounts page will show a reduction in ETH and an increase in Tx count (around 120). Their transaction page records the contract deployments and calls.

  2. Unless ordering takes place via a catalogue, most object codes differ between companies. The first task, therefore, is to mirror these codes and write them to the blockchain. Connect to the Plastic Provider and open Network Allocations. Unknown, new materials await mirroring so that they can be identified. These activities are called Allocation Codes. There are three options: Create a new activity; assign to an existing code; and map to a catalogue identity (when Mirrors? is checked). Assignment would be the norm, but here we need to create mirror activities. Once mirrored the allocation code is removed from this list.

Activity Mirror

  1. Assuming you have worked through the tutorials, you will know that a mirror activity reverses the polarity of both quantity and value. The above allocation codes are cost negative and quantity positive, so we need to mirror onto a code that has the opposite polarities. The Transmit Status is set to Deploy because The Business account is a member of the consortium. The mirror is subsequently sent over the EVM to be recorded in the account’s Org contract. Check out the Network Interfaces and you will see a mirror transaction on the Plastic Provider and a corresponding event on The Business.

New Activity

  1. When the Mirror list is empty, switch to the The Business instance, and the Activity Mirror for PC/999 has been sent over the blockchain (refresh rate approximately 10 seconds):

Org Mirrors

  1. Open the Storage Box Company and mirror the supplier’s allocation codes with a corresponding identity with the opposite polarity. Normally, allocation codes are sent down the supply chain from the customer, but the tutorial has pushed its codes from the supplier. However, it makes no technical difference which party initiates the mirroring process. For the following tutorial, map M/00/70/00 (finished product) to SB-9653 (bought-out component).

New Activity

Network Transactions

Now that the consortium has been created and activities mirrored, order books can be exchanged over the network. However, it is not possible to mirror order books in many circumstances; instead, we employ the manufacturing systems solution of allocations. It is the set of all allocations that become mirrored by either party. To understand how that works practically, it is best to start with the Plastic Supplier.

  1. From the Network Allocations for the Plastic Provider (PLAPRO), you will see each order placed by The Business (THEBUS). The quantities are negative because the activity is consumed in the act of delivery. The idea therefore is to position supply tasks such that the balance is always positive.

SvD Unallocated

  1. We are going to supply these allocations with one delivery of each type of plastic every month. Selecting Allocation Id 4, the Scheduled-On date is the Action On date of Id 1, and the balance is the accumulated quantity between the two. Raising a new task from Id 4 (ALT+N, ALT+A) therefore fills in these values automatically, along with the other details of the allocations (account, activity code, cash code, tax code…). Increase the quantity to a round number and the Supply versus Demand (SvD) balance is altered where the supply order is slotted into schedule. The Scheduled-On date for the Activity Code is now moved to the next Id where there is a shortfall. By selecting the last Allocation Id of each month and raising a new task, you are scheduling the supply to ensure the customer will always have the goods or service in time for the allocation. For material 56219 there will be five orders to match the demand of the five orders placed by The Box Company further up the chain. The Shortfall option is used for locating scheduling requirements on live datasets.

Here are the defaults that load automatically when a new task is raised against an allocation. To avoid a shortfall, the quantity can be rounded up, but not down:

New Task

And here is the datasheet after the allocations have been satisfied:

SvD Supply Side

  1. Switch to The Business who owns these allocations and open the Network Allocations SvD form. Switch to Expenditure, and you will see that the allocations are now automatically mirroring the plastic supplier (ref. Alloc flag). Because code PC/001 has no shortfalls, the Controller knows that the supplier will deliver the material needed to meet the current production schedule.

SvD Demand Side

  1. On selecting Income, you will find there are no demand allocations that take the supply. Normally, the supplier would never send a sales order to the customer without first receiving instruction; but we are using the Tutorial Data to push supply. Therefore, the balance just keeps going up (5000 for M/00/70/00). Open the Network Allocations SvD for The Storage Box Company and the Schedule-On dates will be empty for the same reason. Mirror the assembly M/00/70/00 to a new activity SB-9653. Open Task Explorer and create 5 purchase orders for each of the months. Switch to the supplier, and filtering on the expense allocations will show they have been mirrored.

  2. However, as customer, The Box Company is not interested in matching the supplier’s allocations, only ordering what it needs. The customer decides to double its order quantities (they can also change Action On as well to trigger a shift in delivery dates) . To do this, edit each sales order from their SvD listing. These order book changes are sent over the blockchain and the customer now presents the supplier with a new schedule where the projected balance is negative:

SvD Order Book

  1. The SvD balance must always be above zero. Edit a task to open the project (ALT+E). Double the quantity for each order and reschedule (ALT+R) to amend purchase quantities.

Edit Task

  1. Switch back to The Box Company and you will see that it now mirrors the amended allocations, and their Controller knows that the supplier has adjusted the delivery schedule to match their requirements:

SvD Order Book Resched

  1. Checking out the expenditure SvD for The Business, we find the projected balance for PC/999 is now seriously out of alignment. Switch to the Plastic Provider and it mirrors this mess:

SvD Material Schedule

  1. Add the last negative balance to the previous order and round up to the order multiple (e.g. 260Kg + 240.4 => 510Kg). Edit the Task Quantity to this value. Repeat for the other orders so that the balance is never below zero (if the Schedule On date is blank then the date is okay). Now deliver the first two months requirement in one consignment by changing the first order to 1.1 metric ton and cancelling the second.

SvD Material Arrivals

Everything is now in place: demand has cascaded down the supply chain, but nothing has in fact happened. We now need to roll up the production process - from the shipment of material, the manufacture of the goods, to the final delivery of the assembly. Then there is a second cascade down the supply-chain, in the form of money.

Before that, check out the transaction log on the network service:

Network Service Log

The Tx hashes identify each transaction on the blockchain. Because we are using a local Ganache server, these are visible in its Transactions page, showing the From/To addresses you assigned during the installation:

ganache transactions

Events and Transmissions

In manufacturing, despatches are made on a delivery note raised by the Despatch Department and subsequently invoiced by Admin. The reason for this is that delivery notes were once signed with a pen by the customer’s Goods Inwards storeman, and the invoice was mailed to their Accounts Department. However, the Trade Control invoice doubles up as a despatch note; therefore, we need to raise invoices to despatch goods (or more generally, deliver a service).

  1. For demonstration purposes, stop the Plastic Provider Network Interface Watch.

  2. Connect to the Plastic Provider and from Network Allocations SvD (or Task Explorer), edit the first task for a plastic and deliver half the consignment by choosing Invoice. Add a miscellaneous charge for delivery (Sales - Carriage) and amend the Invoice Quantity of the task to half the total consignment. It will ask if you want to reconcile the task to the invoice: make sure you select No or there will be a quantity shortfall. Opening Network Invoices from the main menu, the invoice is awaiting deployment and transmission to the customer.

Invoice Deployment

  1. The SvD for the delivered plastic will still show that the allocations have not been satisfied. That is because the customer must mirror the sales invoice/despatch note with a corresponding purchase invoice/goods receipt note (GRN). When the delivery is accepted, the quantity is communicated over the network and the allocations updated accordingly.

  2. Re-start the Plastic Provider Network Interface Watch and the sales invoice will be sent to THEBUS via the EVM. Connect to The Business and look at the SvD expenditure. It is now the inverted image of the supplier’s invoice. The invoice has been received but the customer’s allocations remain. Just as raising an invoice with a positive cash polarity constitutes a delivery, we need to mirror this to transact a receipt (GRN).

  3. Open Network Invoices and you will be presented with the plastic supplier’s carriage charge. As with Activity Mirroring, you will need to mirror their income Charge Code to a corresponding Direct Expense.


  1. The Mirror Code button assigns a Charge Code to an existing Cash Code. However, the demo data does not have a Cash Code to pay for carriage, so use the New Cash Code button to create one. The Category list will only show categories that are opposite to the mirrored charge code, and the Tax Code list matches the supplier’s rate.


  1. Opening Definitions, you can amend and view all the Cash Code mirrors by using the + sign in the Cash Code page. All mirrors for any given business can also be edited in Organisation Maintenance. The mirror you created in the previous step will have been automatically sent over the network to the supplier, so that when you mirror their sales invoices the supplier does not need to repeat this process.

  2. Now the invoice is both mapped to known allocations and cash codes, the supplier’s formal demand for payment can be processed. You must mirror their invoice so that it is signed off on the blockchain, the supplier is notified of your acceptance and the SvD allocations are adjusted. The Mirrors page should look something like this:

Invoice Mirrors

  1. Select an invoice and press Mirror. Providing all codes are mapped and known, the algorithm works through the SvD in FIFO order to construct and reference a pending invoice to match. The invoice is loaded for approval. Once it is accepted, the mirror invoice will be written to the blockchain and the supplier notified. That sorts out the customer’s SvD, but it will also do the same for the supplier.

Supply Mirror

  1. Because the status of the affected tasks and their delivery quantities are communicated, they are removed from the supplier’s SvD (or quantity adjusted for partial deliveries as here). The supplier awaits payment in the normal way. Below, we see the supplier has received the mirror and the SvD has been adjusted accordingly.

Demand Mirror

SvD Despatch

  1. Check out the results - not just the allocations, but also the Invoice Register, Company Statement, Organisation Statements and so on.

  2. Switch to The Business and open the first order. The materials are ready. Assuming everything else is in place too, with the tasks and operations complete, we can invoice/despatch the sales order. Select M/00/70/00 and invoice the full shipment to The Box Company (add carriage if you want).

Task Edit

If you Save/Refresh, although purchase orders must still be processed, the operations and works orders have been automatically completed.

Task Edit

  1. The invoice mirror will be sent to The Storage Box Company. Repeat steps 5 - 11, only this time The Business is the supplier. If you have not included carriage, only step 9 is required - open The Storage Box Company Network Invoices, click Mirror and Accept.


As the goods have flowed up the supply chain, so we now go back down again, paying the invoices in exchange for their goods or service. If you are using a fiat currency, this process is controlled by the banks. Otherwise, you can pay directly from your Bitcoin Wallet.

By Fiat

  1. From The Storage Box Company, look at the Company Statement. Open Payment Entry and pay the supplier (assuming an overdraft). You only need to select the organisation and post the defaults. The current balance of the Company Statement is reduced accordingly, and the invoices removed. A payment event is sent to the supplier notifying them that you have paid up, but their mirror invoice remains unpaid.

  2. Switch to The Business. Check out the network allocations, invoice mirrors and events to see how they have been automatically updated over the network. Enter the customer’s payment to complete the process and a payment event will be sent out. The goods have been successfully delivered to the customer (quantity in, cash out), and in exchange, the money paid to the supplier (quantity out, cash in). Because both parties enter payments from their respective bank statements, the payment notification events automate confirmation that the money has been received.

Payment Events

  1. Pay the Plastic Provider and switch to their instance. The mirror invoice from the customer will have been set to Paid by the Network Service:

Invoice Paid

  1. When you have entered this payment as income their Company Statement will now show a positive opening balance (the statement does not show paid invoices because its value is in the current balance):

Company Statement

Credits and Returns

Normally one of two things can go wrong in a trading exchange - faulty goods or bad service and mischarges. With Trade Control, you could just send an invoice with a negative quantity or charge, but it would go against convention. For faulty goods, the customer would send them back on a return note with an accompanying debit note. Should the supplier accept this, they would mirror it with a credit note. Internally, these states are modelled using polarity. Also, you can always raise invoices directly for miscellaneous charges with no supply/demand implications. For mischarges, you can also use zero quantities.

  1. From the Task Explorer, we know that 0.5 tonnes of plastic were used to satisfy the monthly consignment of M/00/70/00. However, the QC department of The Business reject a 25Kg bag of PC/999 granules due to contamination. They return it to the supplier by raising a debit/return note.

Raise Debit Note

Delete/edit the invoice lines to debit 25Kg. Leave the defaulted carriage charge on the debit note to finance the return.

Debit Note

  1. Switch to the plastic supplier. When we mirror the debit submission it creates a corresponding credit note and returns the 25Kg to the material’s SvD listing for both parties (550 -> 575Kg). However, they dispute the carriage charge debit, and therefore send a debit note to cancel that out. The customer accepts the application and mirrors a credit note. The Plastic Provider’s version of their customer’s invoice mirrors now looks like this:

Supplier Mirror Version

  1. The respective Account Statements in the Organisation Enquiry show a mirroring of the money (demand projection), just as the respective SvD listings mirror quantity (supply production):

Demand Account Statement

Demand Account Statement

  1. Should the network service have failed for technical reasons, you can doctor the status of allocations and invoice mirrors or change the Transmit Status to re-send changes. If all else fails, Trade Control works fine in stand-alone mode. Therefore, you can always email organisations from the Document Manager or Word Templates and they can sort it out their end.


To obtain a quotation, you just raise a Pending Task against the supplier, who then mirror it with their cost. If you accept the cost, you amend the Unit/Total Charge and set the status to Open. It will then automatically transfer to the supply versus demand listings of both parties.


Although we have been manually tending to the allocations, this is at root a technique from the Material Requirements Planning algorithms developed in the manufacturing sector during the 1960s. Therefore, various techniques for automating this process could be applied to maintain positive SvD balances throughout the supply chain. Any change to the state would automatically flow down the demand side and then flow back up from the supply. Whilst the author has coded several finite and infinite scheduling algorithms, we are not going to automate at this time. But you can understand that the process you have covered in the tutorial is a practical implementation of supply-chain scheduling.

Furthermore, investigate the Network Interface transaction and event history generated by the three business nodes and trace to the Contract Calls and Deployments in the Ganache RPC Server. You can confirm how the information has been communicated over the EVM and immutably recorded in the contracts written to the blockchain. Therefore, switching to a public blockchain would mean any number of nodes can be connected and synchronised from anywhere in the world.


Trade Control Documentation by Trade Control Ltd is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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