A Trade Control node


Trade Control is a unique business system, re-writing the book on how ERP applications are designed and implemented.

Traditional architectures have evolved from paper-based operations and the demands of capital to serve business owners, whether private or public. By jettisoning this mind-set, the design offers innovative opportunities to break out of these entrenched systems.

Offered to the community as free software, you can explore how the core algorithms of capitalism can be calculated more efficiently, or how businesses can be connected and scheduled by seamless supply-chains or trade easily in crypto currencies as their Unit of Account.

The app is accompanied by a free book which explains the workings of the commercial world, the re-modelling of its processes and structure by the app’s schema design, and why doing so is such a good idea.

Project Goals

Trade Control is a global trading platform published under an Open Source licence. The app’s functionality and architecture are derived from Manufacturing Systems Engineering. Materialised and tested in live environments, the project goals are as follows:

To verify that the goals have been achieved, please follow the instructions in the tutorials. Because the app is Open Source you also have access to every algorithm. To understand the benefits obtained from attaining these goals, you will need to read the articles.


Trade Control code is published under a Free Software licence.